San Sebastián - Donostia, Spain
April 08-10, 2025


Piero Altoe (NVIDIA, Italy)
Revolutionizing AI-Driven Material Discovery Using NVIDIA ALCHEMI
Evgeny Blokhin (Tilde MI & Materials Platform for Data Science, Estonia)
Materials Platform for Data Science: A 10 Years Success Story
Elmar Bonaccurso (Airbus Central R&T, Germany)
Aircraft Paint System Optimization Workflow using a Combination of deterministic and data-driven Tools
María Camarasa-Gómez (Centro de Física de Materiales CFM/MPC (CSIC-UPV/EHU), Spain)
Optimizing DFT Hybrid Functionals for 2D Materials Using Genetic Algorithms
Aurelie Champagne (CNRS - ICMCB, France)
Predicting Crystal Structures and Ionic Conductivity in Mixed-Halide Solid Electrolytes Using Machine Learning Potentials
Emigdio Chavez (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain)
ML-driven Thermal Sensing Using FTIR Spectroscopy
Andy Paul Chen (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Crystal Site Disorder Analysis with Machine-Learned Atomic Potentials and Statistical Methods
Samuel John Cooper (Imperial College London, UK)
Li-ion battery design through microstructural optimization using generative AI
Stephen Dale (IFIM, Singapore)
Diagonalization without Diagonalization: A Direct Optimization Approach for Solid-State Density Functional Theory
Ignacio Fernández Graña (Pasqal, France)
Material Discovery With Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning Algorithms
Amara Hakim (ONERA, France)
Unlocking 3D Nanoparticle Shapes from 2D HRTEM images: classification and denoising at atomic resolution
Seon-Hwa Lee (POSCO Research Institute for Future Technology, South Korea)
Leveraging Machine Learning to Navigate Complex Design Spaces in Battery Material Development
Sergio Lucarini (BCMaterials, Spain)
Physics-informed neural networks for coupled Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard phase field problems
Artem Maevskiy (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Machine Learning for Accelerated Discovery of Superionic Solids
Luis Martín-Moreno (Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, Spain)
A Neural Network architecture for data-driven symmetry discovery and inverse design, with application to twistoptics
Leonardo Medrano Sandonas (Dresden University of Technology, Germany)
Advancing machine learning for organic material simulations with quantum accuracy
José Luis Montaño-Priede (Centro de Física de Materiales, Spain)
Synergistic Integration of Bayesian Optimization and Advanced Simulation Tools for Plasmonic Performance Enhancement
Jesús Oroya (Advanced Material Simulation, Spain)
Optimizing AI-Enhanced Neural Network Subroutines for Plasticity in FEM
Andreas Räder (Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC, Germany)
OpenSemanticLab - Linked-Data-Platform with agentic AI workflows
Jörg Schaarschmidt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology , Germany)
Advancing Digital Workflows in Material Science: Integrating AI into scientific workflows with the MaterialDigital Initiative
Martin Siron (Entalpic AI, France)
Addressing data quality issues and redundancies across chemistry databases for building better datasets for materials discovery: LeMat-Bulk
Giovanni Vignale (IFIM, Singapore)
Orbital-free density functional theory for periodic solids: Construction of the Pauli potential
Parallel Session Seniors
Jose Ignacio Aizpurua (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Physics Informed Neural Networks for Thermal Insulation Material Ageing Estimation
Daniel Araya Matilla (Advanced Material Simulation, Spain)
AI-Enhanced Hybrid Modeling for Optimizing Polymeric Yarn Manufacturing Processes
Lucas Garcia Verga (Imperial College London, UK)
Combining DFT and Machine Learning to Enhance the Screening of Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysts
Sai Gautam Gopalakrishnan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Optimal transfer learning strategies for predicting material properties
Tilmann Hickel (BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany)
Data-driven design of hydrogen solubilities in metallic alloys
Ivan Infante (BCMaterials, Spain)
Advancing Quantum Dot Simulations: from DFT insights to Machine Learning
Evgeniya Kabliman (University of Bremen / Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering – IWT, Germany)
Symbolic regression in material science and engineering
Clara Kirkvold (University of Birmingham, UK)
Leveraging reticular chemistry to develop topology-informed descriptors of nanoporous materials
Ask Hjorth Larsen (CAMD, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Automated high-throughput computational workflows with Taskblaster
Yuting Li (Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates)
Machine Learning Assisted Discovery of Materials for Hydrogen Energy
Ivor Lončarić (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia (Hrvatska))
Modeling Molecular Crystals with Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials
Cristiano Malica (University of Bremen, Germany)
Teaching oxidation states to neural networks
Jose Marquez Prieto (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)
NOMAD: A Distributed Platform for FAIR and AI-Ready Solar Cell Research
Binh Duong Nguyen (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany)
Machine learning for automated categorizing various defect types in KOH-etched microscopy images of 4H-SiC wafers
Özlem Özcan Sandikcioglu (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Germany)
Autonomous exploration of new alloy chemistries using a Material Acceleration Platform (MAP)
Sven Rogge (Center for Molecular Modeling, Ghent University, Belgium)
Exploring the opportunities in strain engineering: from introducing flexibility in rigid MOFs to classifying elusive amorphous states
Jürgen Spitaler (Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH, Austria)
Active learning based optimization of bainit steels based on probabilistic hybrid modeling
Davide Tisi (EPFL, Switzerland)
Transport mechanism of solid-state electrolytes via machine learning potentials at hybrid DFT level
Parallel Session PhD Students
Kevin Alhada-Lahbabi (INSA Lyon, France)
Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Ferroelectric Domain Wall Design Using a Machine Learning PhaseField Surrogate
Adam Coxson (University of Liverpool, UK)
Deep Learning the Fock Matrix in the Atomic Orbital Basis for extended π-conjugated molecules within a Self-Consistent Framework
Amir Dahari (Imperial College London, UK)
Prediction of microstructural representativity from a single image
Pedro Julián Delgado Galindo (IFMIF-DONES España, Spain)
Modelling of complex Fe-C systems for radiation applications with MLIAPs
Michael Alejandro Hernandez Bertran (Istituto Nanoscienze, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR, Italy)
Automated Workflows and Machine Learning models for X-ray spectra simulations: applications to Li-ion battery materials
Onurcan Kaya (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain)
Revealing Structure-Property Relationships in Amorphous Boron Nitride Using Machine-Learned Potentials
Danish Khan (University of Toronto, Canada)
Adapting hybrid density functionals with machine learning
Ge Lei (Imperial College London, UK)
Unveiling 3D Geometries in LLMs: The Representation and Recall of Periodic Elements
Héctor Lobato (Leartiker, Spain)
Smart Design of Thermoplastic Vulcanizate Products: Linking Process to Performance via Machine Learning
Adrien Moncomble (Université Paris Cité - MPQ, France)
aquaDenoising: AI-Enhancement of in situ Liquid Phase STEM Video for Automated Quantification of Nanoparticles Growth
Irea Mosquera-Lois (Imperial College London, UK)
Machine learning force fields for accurate defect calculations
Sara Navarro (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain)
Developing Accurate Exchange-Correlation Functionals through Physics-Informed Machine Learning
Mojan Omidvar (Queen Mary Univeristy of London, UK)
Accelerated Discovery of Perovskite Solid Solutions through unsupervised material fingerprints and Automated Materials Synthesis
Sebastian Roca-Jerat (Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza), Spain)
Neural-network wave functions for quantum many-body problems
Pol Sanz (Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Spain)
Optimizing Active Learning Strategies for Neural Network Potentials in Catalyst Characterization Workflows
Lukas Volkmer (University of Technology Dresden, Germany)
Towards a data-driven multiscale framework for quantum-mechanical investigation of elastic properties of Al-Mg-Zr alloys
Lavoisier Parallel Session
Shubhojit Banerjee (UML, USA)  
Uncertainty-informed transferable deep learning potentials for simulating BeF2-LiF system
Li Chen (TU Dresden, Germany)
Towards the computational design of molecular olfactory receptors for digital odor detection
Ganna Gryn´ova (University of Birmingham, UK)
New Techniques for Materials Space Exploration
Alexander Tyner (NORDITA, Sweden)
Generative adversarial networks for inverse design of two-dimensional topological insulators
Felipe Yamada (INESC TEC, University of Porto, Portugal)
Enhancing Bacterial Detection by Harnessing Graphene Transistors´ Latent Features with Deep Learning
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